Monday, October 31, 2011

Treats & Tricks

Happy Halloween! I hope everyone has something fun planned. Giuseppe was just helping me hem my itty-bitty sexy Hulk Hogan dress.

What's that? Hulk Hogan doesn't wear dresses? Think again, dear friends. And remember - EVERYTHING can be sexy!

Anyway, while I have to hold still so I don't get pricked by anything sharp, I thought I'd drop my readers a little Halloween hello! Gabby is on the hunt for whatever crazy/obnoxious/unbelievable casting notices you can find. We will of course credit you here. Consider that I'm knocking on your door, sweetly chirping "Trick or treat!" You can drop whatever craziness you can find in my little pumpkin sack and we'll have a laugh.

In the meantime, don't forget to check out some old spooky-but-goodies in "Oh, The Horror!"


(You're welcome!)

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